- In support to the implementation of the Republic Act 7277 (Magna Carta for Disabled Persons) and to achieve the target set for the Asian and Pacific Decade of Disabled Persons (1993-2002) that 75% of the 4 million children with disabilities should be provided equal educational opportunities, special needs education shall be institutionalized in all schools.
- The Institutionalization aims to provide access to basic education among children with special needs, namely, the gifted/talented, the mentally retarded, the visually impaired, the hearing impaired, the orthopedically handicapped, the learning disabled, the speech defectives, the children with behavior problems, the autistic children and those with health problems through the formal system and other alternative delivery services in education.
- The following are the guidelines which shall be observed in the institutionalization of special needs education:
- All divisions shall organize at least one SPED Center which will cater to children with special needs. Programs organized shall adopt the inclusive education concept or the different types of SPED programs suited to the needs of the learners. The Center shall function as a Resource Center:
– to support children with special needs integrated in regular schools;
– to assist in the conduct of in-service-training
– to produce appropriate teaching materials; and
– to conduct continuous assessment of children with special needs.
School divisions shall appropriate funds for the aforementioned activities. - All districts shall organize SPED programs in schools where there are identified children with special needs. Assistance from existing SPED Center shall be sought in the assessment of the children with special needs and in the orientation or training of the regular teachers to help these students. Teachers and administrators who have had trainings in SPED shall be identified and their expertise tapped.
- Local trainings at the regional, division and district levels shall be initiated and conducted by the identified Regional Trainers in Special Education.
- To sustain the continuing interest of supervisors, administrators and teachers in the implementation of the SPED programs, incentives shall be planned and provided for.
- To ensure that the education of children with special needs is an integral part of the educational system, an annual allocation for extension position shall be provided for SPED teachers.
- All divisions shall organize at least one SPED Center which will cater to children with special needs. Programs organized shall adopt the inclusive education concept or the different types of SPED programs suited to the needs of the learners. The Center shall function as a Resource Center:
- Implementation for the institutionalization shall commence in SY 1997¬-1998. The Regional Special Education Unit in coordination with the Regional SPED Council shall provide assistance to the Regional Director in the institutionalization of the SPED program.
- The Special Education Division of the Bureau of Elementary Education shall provide technical assistance to all Regional Offices for the implementation of this program.