The Red Cross Youth in the Philippines is constituted by children, adolescents, and young adults aged 7 to 25 years old. Their role and engagement in the humanitarian works of the Philippine Red Cross provides them an area to realize their potential in humanitarian leadership.
The Red Cross Youth is one of the six major services of the Philippine Red Cross. Its mission is to educate and empower the children and youth in the spirit of Red Cross through constructive trainings and effective leadership, and provide opportunities for directing and harnessing their energy and idealism into worthwhile humanitarian activities.
Major Objectives
1. Advocacy and inculcation of humanitarian values and character building.
2. Protection of life and promotion of community health.
3. Service and solidarity.
4. National/International friendship, understanding and education for peace.
5. Dissemination of the Red Cross 7 fundamental principles and IHL.
FSES – Red Cross Youth Member – any youth (student) who has paid the annual membership dues for the Red Cross Youth.
FSES – Red Cross Youth Volunteer – a member of the Red Cross Youth who has undergone basic orientation about the Red Cross Youth and The Red Cross in general.
Categories of Membership
Junior Red Cross Youth (JRCY) – In other organizations, one maybe considered a member without paying any fee. In the Red Cross, the PRC considers as members those who contribute to the fund campaign and those who donate blood but their contribution are not considered membership fee.
However, in the PRC Youth Program, one becomes a member after paying the membership fee (at present, general membership fee is P60.00). A JRC member may become a volunteer at the same time but a volunteer cannot become a member unless he pays his membership fee.
The youth arm of the Philippine Red Cross has always been registered under a class enrolment concept. School authorities assist the Red Cross in the collection of membership fee in school, but proper coordination and series of meetings with DepEd officials, teachers and even the parents are to be done in order to the local Red Cross chapters to have opportunities to explain the components of the membership fee and where this goes.
FSES-Junior Red Cross members are elementary students whose age ranges from 7 to 12. FSES-JRCY formed into school council with the active JRC Adviser, Kristine Rose D. Vargas as their guide and adult leader who facilitates and assist the council in recruiting, organizing and training JRC members in the school or institution.

Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
National Capital Region
Division of Paranaque City
District VII
Paranaque City
School ID : 136763
Complete Address : John St. Annex35, Brgy. Don Bosco, Paranaque City
Telefax/Email : (02) 833 8108 /
Name of School Principal : DR. ANTONIO B. DORADO
No. of Enrolees : 3, 210
COVID-19 is one of the serious threats to all mankind in our lifetimes
Project “ACT NOW, HELP LATER” is initiated project to help slow the spread of COVID-19 which has now infected millions of people around the world and killed over million. It is hard to know the true number of people who have been infected since symptoms can be mild or undetectable. The true number of cases is likely to be much lower or higher.
As all countries, doctors, nurses and health front liners around the world fight and find ways how to combat virus spread, Project “ACT NOW, HELP LATER” is mounting a community help to provide lifesaving support to our front liners.
Our strategy focuses on providing lifesaving protective gear and first aid kit to help and protect medical volunteers and front liners and helping health system in our community to ensure continuity of health service.
In December 2019, a new respiratory illness began to spread throughout Wuhan, China, a city of 11 million people in Hubei province. The virus, known as COVID-19, quickly infected tens of thousands of people over the ensuing weeks. China imposed major restrictions on travel and work, and by the end of February, cases of COVID-19 had slowed inside the country while spiking in other countries including South Korea, Italy, and Iran.
As of now, there is currently no licensed medication or medicine or machine discovered to cure the virus effectively but there are vaccines that can be used to boost our immune system to protect ourselves with this virus. COVID-19 is a global pandemic caused by a virus, not by bacteria and due to negligence to our environment and to our own healthy lifestyle too. For this, it is important to orient people on COVID-19 health and safety standard and protocol in order to be informed of what to this COVID-19 in our daily routine as a New Normal. With this COVID-19 outbreak, children, senior are one of the most vulnerable people. As such, it is important for school administrators and teachers to be informed on how to properly follow the safety standard and protocol in this times of COVID-19 outbreak. Teachers are the ones who will guide and informed the students. They are the ones who will teach students on how to protect themselves to the virus. Proper safety standard and protocol requires planning, coordination and communication procedure, as well as orienting teachers front liners and ultimately students on how to adapt and cope up to this global pandemic. Following safety standards and protocol are simple and easy to do. Discipline and obey Having discipline and obeying protocols is the key for us to overcome this pandemic we are facing until now!
F. Serrano Sr. Elementary School – Junior Red Cross Youth Council with 3,125 pupils, 96 teachers, School Head and 18 non-teaching personnel come-up with the Project “Act Now, Help Later”, which the primary goal is to help and provide protective gear and first aid kit to enhance the front liners readiness and heighten awareness of the whole populace on the safety measures and protocols during this pandemic.
School Project “ACT NOW, HELP LATER” – this is a project for a cause in F. Serrano Sr. Elementary School and Red Cross Paranaque. FSES-RCYC initiated the project in helping others this times of pandemic. Aside from this, the project promotes a culture of awareness, readiness and safety in schools and community by undertaking information, and education activities. The following activities are being taken up under this project; distribution of protective gear and first aid kit, orientation, implementation of safety standards and protocols such as preparedness, readiness, response and safety.
Project Title: “ACT NOW, HELP LATER”
To enhance the awareness of pupils and front liners in COVID-19 preparedness
To ensure the safety of every pupil and front liners during this pandemic.
To make them always safe, anytime, anywhere .
Project Proponent/s: (who were involved)
1) All pupils of F. Serrano Sr. ES
2) Teaching and Non-Teaching Personnel
3) Parents
4) Red Cross
5) Front liners
Organized by:
Principal IV
Branch Administrator
Red Cross Paranaque